Kokia pagalba jums reikalinga?
Spręsti kibernetinio saugumo problemas gali būti sudėtinga ir bauginanti užduotis. Jei susidūrėte su situacija, kai jums reikia pagalbos, šiame puslapyje rasite tinkamų organizacijų, į kurias galite kreiptis. Pirmiausia pasirinkite šalį, kurioje norėtumėte gauti instrukcijų. Šiuo metu instrukcijos pateikiamos tik jūsų pasirinktos šalies kalba. Atminkite, kad pagalbos sulauksite spustelėję vos keletą kartų.

I need support
If you have come across something online that has left you feeling upset, confused or in need of emotional support, there are organisations that can help you deal with what you are going through.

I need to contact the police
If you have lost money or been a victim of identity theft or some other cybercrime, it is important to contact the police immediately. We will direct you to the appropriate channels for immediate help.

I want to report my findings
Have you come across suspicious or harmful content? Whether it is a scam, phishing attempt, or inappropriate material, you can report it to the appropriate authorities who will take action.